The mortgage business is mostly non-existant which leaves me to figure out what to do instead. I am planning some websites to sell stuff like home decor, mannequins, dress forms and store fixtures. I have eclectic tastes and hopefully I'll aquire customers of the like.
After hurricain Ike, my brother moved lock stock and barrel everything from his office to his house along with about 7 employees to continue working and stay afloat. His office didnt have power for more than two weeks and things looked bleak. But he and my sisterinlaw pulled it off famously. I am truly proud of them both. Oh yeah. And my oldest daughter works for them and she stayed on board the ship and helped too.
What's ahead? Well.......Hillary won't be our first woman president. I was actually hoping she would have got the nomination but it's my opinion her campagne against Barack Obama got out of hand with smears and inuendos.
Just when you think things are either OK or couldn't be worse, Sara Palin hops your fence and poops in your pool. McCain is too fuckin old and Palin is an outrageous plymbletwit. Now what? You'd better go vote! McCain could get sick and croke and we get stuck with that..........that voice! Politics is so hideous. I'm glad I'm just a bumb.

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